Thursday 8 March 2018



It was lovely to be in Cape Town with the children.  Although we stayed in a small townhouse we took the dogs on outings.  They were very well behaved.  Grandpa Moses found it too cold to pose for the pic outside Saints and rather cuddled with my daughter Lana.

We went to Bloubergstrand for beach walks with beautiful Table Mountain in the background.  I was enjoying my time in Cape Town but was also missing my friends in PE.  It hit me that I might not see them again and so one's life changes at a drop of a hat.

Of course the dogs took over the small townhouse and where everywhere.  My daughters lovely lounge suit was a great place for watching what was happening in the kitchen and Cola made sure to hang over the couch to have the best view.


Or just dangle over the back of the lounge suite just for fun.

I joined the Cape Handlers Club so I could take the dogs out for runs as I decided this part of suburbia was a little too much to take the dogs for a walk.  My first attempt to take them for a walk by myself (big mistake) I had all four on leads. How difficult could it be to take a walk around the block?  After all my dogs are very well trained, well!!!!  Off we went, everything was going A ok when I saw Peanut joining us for the walk.  Not a good idea as there was a lot of traffic and I was afraid he would get run over.  So we had to turn around and take Peanut back.  

Now I am holding onto three fully grown Bouviers and Grandpa Moses.  Trying to find a suitable place in my arms to carry Peanut back.  I would pick him up and try to hold him while getting tangled up in all the leads, put him down and eventually put him under my arm, clamping him with my left arm under my armpit against my body in a vice like grip.

Peanut was not happy with this and protested by pulling up his back legs which were dangling dug them into my waist and launched himself out of my grip.  Needless to say I clenched my teeth and felt the wrath of his back paw nails. I let him go like a hot potato.  He landed smack in the middle of all the dogs who by this time were intent on hogtying me with their leads. 


Ok so Sir Peanut would just have to go with and we would limit our walk to just the cul de sac.  Getting control of all the dogs and dislodging myself from all the leads we were ready to go again.  All the time I felt the burning sensation of claw marks down my side.  Sir Peanut very proud of himself walked behind us with an air of indifference.

We came around the cul de sac greeted an elderly lady who obviously had heard the commotion.  I walked on feeling proud of my beautiful dogs when she came to me to ask what kind of dogs they were.  Bouviers I replied and went into quite lengthy chat about where they originated from, their characters and where I was living.  She asked if her children could pat them.  No problem there as my dogs are fine with children.  So after introductions and loads of patting, touching we were on our way again.  Peanut decided he did not like the attention and casually strolled ahead towards the house.

Behind the fence on the other side of the road a poodle had spotted us and was barking its head off and jumping up against the fence.  I felt a change in the demeanor of the dogs and like one team they shot forward pulling me towards the Poodle and the fence.  I braced myself!  What a useless move that was!  I felt myself losing balance, stepped forward only to trip over Cola's lead and then fell on her.  The team were like sledge dogs pulling a body across the road to give the Poodle a run for its money.

The only thing I think that stopped the dogs was the fact that their mother was now flat on her face on the tar road.  They turned round came and sniffed me,  I got a lick or two and eight pairs of eyes looking down at me as if to say "what on earth are you doing down there!"   

I had forgotten about my audience who were standing with mouths hanging open  watching the proceedings in front of them like a TV show.  I picked myself up did a quick assessment of  my wounds caused by the rough tar road, untangled myself pulled all the dogs into position again.  Lifted my head up and walked off. I heard the lady calling "are you ok?"  I nodded my head indicating I was and walked toward the town house which lucky for me was not far away.  With a scraped knee, hole in my jean, grazed elbow and cheek we arrived at the front door.  Where Mr Peanut was calmly grooming himself.  Never again, never again and a word of warning to those who think they are strong.  "don't take four dogs for a walk in suburbia."


More of Cape Town in the next blog.

This blog is dedicated to Bouvier Rescue SA.

Please visit our webpage : bouvierdesflandresrescuesa.weebly. com

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