Friday 2 February 2018


Having to leave Suburbia living in Port Elizabeth  in February 2016 after the company my husband worked for liquidated,  our whole lives changed when we moved to Buffelskop Conservation Farm.  Renting a tiny little cottage in the bush, with our then only 4 dogs.  Three Bouviers and a small little pavement special we call Grandpa Moses.

All 3 my Bouviers had competed in obedience classes and carting.  Zeus and Babushka had done personal protection work.  Overall I would say they did pretty well.  The only very sad part of this is that Cola my one Bouvier started getting epilepsy at the age of 3.  An illness unless you have experienced it is life changing, stressful and very sad.





Although I miss my friends and dog training the saddest part was leaving Sir Peanut behind.  Our black cat, who we were worried would not make it in the bush.  So thankful we did not bring him as I really don't think he would have survived here.

Sir Peanut.  I do miss your kingly presence in the home and your fearless antics with the huge Bouviers. lol  Sir Peanut is safe homed with my daughter in Cape Town, where he is now the King of that part of suburbia. 

One thing I am really happy I did was doing personal protection with my two big Bouviers Zeus and Babushka.  At the time it was fun, but living where we do now I feel so much safer and I know my dogs are empowered to protect themselves and me.


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